October 6th, 2021

How To Make Your Hair Extensions Last Years

By Cashmere Hair

Whenever you make an investment into something, you want to take great care of it. Whether that's your health, your skin, or a set of luxury clip in hair extensions  As a Cashmere Hair Extensions customer for over 5 years and counting, I have picked up some tried and true tips to take excellent care of my extra hair. Not to brag... but I might just be an expert of taking care of my clip in extensions since my hair extensions have lasted years! In today's post, I'm sharing all about how to make your hair extensions last longer. Let's learn how to take care of our clip-in extensions like the luxurious investments they are!

1. Set Your Extensions Up For Success

Once you get your  Cashmere Hair Clip In Extensions in the mail you will see that there will be a tester portion of hair. Take that out first and make sure that the color is a good fit for you. Once you're matched, you can go ahead and open up your new extensions (and maybe do a little happy dance... we won't judge!).

Now, depending on how your natural hair is cut, you may need to give the extensions a quick trim/feathering. If you're not experienced with this, I definitely recommend taking them to your hair stylist, who can trim them with your natural hair for the best possible blending. This will make a world of difference in ensuring that the hair blends beautifully with your natural hair.

2. How to Store Clip-In Hair Extensions

This is perhaps the most critical step to make your hair extensions last longer.  After each wear, brush out your extensions with an extension brush, close the clips, and store them safely.

I use the  Cashmere Hair Extension Luxury Storage Bag - you simply clip your extensions into the hanger, then zip it closed. This protects the hair from dust, breakage, and other environmental stressors that could damage your set. It also makes it super easy to store - just pop it onto your closet rack and let it hang until you're ready to use them again!

If you don't have the bag just yet, simply lay the tracks one on top of the other, and store them flat wherever you have space. If your storage space is dusty or high-traffic (like a closet), wrapping your hair in tissue paper will keep dust and breakage to a minimum.

3. How to Wash Your Hair Extensions

The amazing thing about wearing clip in hair extensions is that they don't need to be washed nearly as much as our natural hair! But to keep them nice, you do need to wash them every so often.

You may wondering...well how can I tell when I am ready to wash your hair extensions? If the hair is looking a bit dull, if it has a good amount of product in it, or you want to change heat styles: it's time to give them a wash! We have a full blog post dedicated to washing your clip-in extensions - give it a peek here.

4. How to Revive an Older Set

If your extensions are starting to lose that brand-new feel, never fear! There are couple of things you can do to refresh them. If you don't already have the Cashmere Hair Care Set - get it. It comes with specially-formulated shampoo and conditioner, but for extensions that have seen better days, the shine spray and deep conditioning treatment especially are solid gold.

Use the shine spray when your extensions are feeling dull and need an extra boost - it peps them up instantly! One or two spritzes will do the trick, don't go crazy. The shine spray also works as a heat protectant, so I'd definitely recommend using it before heated styling.

If you've washed your clip-in extensions a few times and they're starting to look drab, it's time for the deep conditioner. This stuff is super-charged with proteins and extracts to restore moisture, de-frizz, and reduce breakage. It's great for all hair types - I like to do a little hair mask on my natural hair as well while I'm treating my extensions.

Do's And Don'ts of Hair Extensions

Here are a few of the tips and tricks I've learned through my many years using Cashmere's human hair extensions. If you're asking how to make your hair extensions last longer, these are the little secrets no one tells you about!

  • DO: use a moisturizing shampoo & conditioner (like the one Cashmere Hair sells here). Making sure it is a moisturizing line will ensure they stay soft and shiny.
  • DON'T: use a volumizing shampoo/conditioner. This will immediately strip the hair of moisture and turn it brittle and dry. No thanks!
  • DO: Trim the hair lightly when you notice the ends getting dry or at sign of any breakage. This will allow the ends to remain healthy and strong!
  • DON'T: use hair oil prior to heat styling. Oil literally fries the hair! (Although there are a few oils in the beauty world that are specially formulated to use with heat. Always, always, always double-check!) This goes for your natural have too!
  • DO: Get a new set of extensions when needed! Depending on how often you wear them & how well you take care of them, real hair extensions such as Cashmere Hair Extensions will last you anywhere from 6 month to years!
  • DON'T: Use common hair products that contain alcohol. Many hairsprays do! These products are typically alcohol based, and will be incredibly drying to your extensions! The bonus of hair extensions is that they hold styling extremely well - you won't even miss your styling products.